Prayers of the Communion service

As Lent comes into view, we have planned a series of sermons and homegroup studies based on the prayers of the Prayerbook Communion service. The confession, the prayer of humble access, the Eucharistic prayer involving thanksgiving and remembrance: these are the prayers on which we will reflect, in order to improve our own praying to God and our understanding of the words we have been glad to inherit and use ourselves.

Sermons - please left click on an icon to listen to the sermon  or right click and use the context menu to download*


(Val Hindmarsh)


Confession.mp3 01 Confession Home Group.pdf

Humble Access

Humble Access

(Paul Cumming)



(Alec Motyer)

02 Humble Access Home Group.pdf 03 Thanksgiving Home Group-1.pdf

Study notes - please left click on an icon for the study notes (pdf)

* Different browsers use different terminology in their menus.  Click here for browser specific instructions.

Downloading Humble Access.mp3 Thanksgiving.mp3 04 Remembrance Home Group.pdf



(John Briggs)
